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![]() Practical Examples
To get an idea on how the intuitive methods work, please find enclosed some application fields. The examples are derived from the practical experience. Here is a quick overview:
Problem AnalysisIn a subsidiary of a large medium-sized company, there were permanent problems with the production. The holding company therefore decided to provide the employees of the branch with extensive training in machine operation, maintenance and quality assurance. Unfortunately, despite high expenditures, the measure had only a marginal effect. The actual problems were still present. The situation was now analyzed by an organizational constellation. Since, in principle, everything seemed to be in order on the part of the machines and their operators, the search for the cause was extended to the managerial staff. This group of people was always protected out of loyalty of the employees and the lower management and was never up for debate. However, the emerging silence of the attending executives already showed what the constellation was to produce in detail: an unspoken rivalry between two division managers made it difficult for cooperation in the branch to progress. The solution therefore was to resolve the conflict in the management; the expensive employee trainings on machine operation had unfortunately been tackled on the wrong side. The next step was to suggest techniques that would gently resolve the situation while preserving the integrity of those involved, creating a win-win situation for all parties.![]() Strategic DecisionA company was to enter into cooperation with a government agency. The task was to find an interested person on the government side who would drive the cooperation and thus the project forward with real interest. The appropriate authorities were rationally limited to a few, the result was checked intuitively and the "right" authority was explored. Interestingly, the result still did not feel 100% coherent; something seemed to be missing. The second pass then revealed that the authority was the right one, but not the person who was the contact person behind the authority. Rather, it showed that my client should contact the deputy of the main person in charge. At the authority, the lady at the reception was visibly surprised that my client did not want to speak to the main person in charge but to his deputy. She was convinced that there was no other person at her office covering this area. It was only when she was asked again whether she could spontaneously name an alternative that she thought of another person who might be touching on such topics on the sidelines. At the first meeting, it became clear that precisely that employee had a personal interest in the cooperation, since the topic complemented one of his own topics excellently. The foundation for the cooperation was laid.![]() Overcoming Personal LimitsA musical performer came to me with the need for personal development. There were certain limits in singing and expression that seemed almost impossible to overcome through regular practice. The conversation revealed family-related blockages and an inhibiting self-assessment that did not allow her to develop freely in her entire personality.With a few exercises from kinesiology and well-directed individual discussions, the personal expression as well as the clarity of the voice could be significantly improved to the delight of the audience and other participants. ![]() Stage-FrightA personal trainer turned to me with the request to work on his stage-fright. Although he was absolutely sure of the content of his topics due to his many years of experience, generally had a pleasant demeanor and his customers were always enthusiastic, he nevertheless tended to have enormous high inner tension during presentations in front of a large audience days beforehand. As far as possible, he therefore avoided such events in advance.In the conversation it turned out that the cause was the inner conviction that he must not make any single mistake, everything must be 200% perfect. With this awareness, the situation was transformed. In a few sessions, this conviction was solved with various intuitive methods and he was also taught techniques for composure and quick self-strengthening, so that he now approached presentations in front of large audiences with positive expectation. ![]() Lack of ConcentrationWhen an established flower store was up for sale due to retirement, a florist realized his dream of his own shop after years of assisting. His inventiveness, business acumen and solid work suggested him to work independently in his own salesrooms. He enjoyed remodeling the stores according to his ideas. His business was good. With the time however he had the feeling of permanent fatigue, his former motivation gave way to listlessness. The employees seemed to become more and more unreliable, and little by little the turnover also dropped.The analysis of the situation showed that in favor of the architectural optimization of the sales area, the workplaces of the employees were moved to a corner with a poorer view, which in time affected their mood and health. Also his own workplace was geomantically located on an extremely negative place, which robbed him more of his energy day by day. The other changes, especially at the entrance, kept the customers energetically in the small outside area rather than inviting them to explore the store. A fundamental change of the workplaces as well as the entrance was therefore absolutely necessary to maintain a positive, motivating working atmosphere. Such an unfavorable redesign of the business premises for reopening, as in the above case, naturally also raises the question of whether the owner unconsciously worked towards the poorer space situation when making his decisions. This can be the case, for example, if success is unconsciously associated negatively. Therefore, the unconscious thought structures of the owner must always be included in the solution. ![]() Accumulated IrritationA long-time employee of a large financial service provider asked me for help. He was successful, popular with the customers and his workplace gave him joy despite hard work. In his direct environment, however, there was one employee who was apparently allowed to violate all the company's customs with impunity. Despite inappropriate behavior, poor sales figures and a lack of motivation to work, he remained untouched by management and even received a higher salary due to his seniority. On some days the situation seemed particularly grotesque, he was even praised publicly by the site management for things that were taken for granted by the rest of the staff.On the day the client visited me, he was facing a major company meeting to review the current site situation and plan future strategies. The pent-up anger about his colleagues was written on his face. The situation had already escalated to such an extent that he suffered from stomach pain in the morning before driving to work, which became more severe as he got closer to the office. Further toleration of the situation seemed impossible. Since he was offered an attractive position, he even considered changing company, although it would have meant a significant increase in travel time for him. So he asked himself how he should best behave. The rational solution seemed obvious: Leave the company, expose the employee's misconduct, or continue to tolerate the situation. Especially the latter seemed impossible. From the point of view of intuitive methods, the first question is why the client is so affected in the situation to such a high degree that even physical complaints arise. In order to find a good solution, it is generally advantageous to have a relaxed and serene attitude towards the situation. So we worked together to find out the reason for his explosive behavior. The analysis techniques led us to several similar situations in his life in which the client had the feeling of unfair treatment. After resolving the blockages that resulted from the situations at that time and thus led to the overreaction in the current situation, we played through the individual, rationally found solutions with the help of an intuitive simulation game. The consequences of all approaches to the solution and, above all, the respective inner satisfaction of each way became apparent. I also informed him that another solution would probably present itself to him by the time of the meeting, which could now emerge due to the inner serenity he had gained. When he awoke the next morning, to his surprise, the stomach pain was no longer present. On the way to work, he had developed joy again and his meeting was running to his complete satisfaction. Even the sight of his colleague could hardly break his composure. So he even tore up the already written notice of termination. The ultimate solution, to feel joy again at the workplace he actually loved, independent of his colleagues, seemed rationally unattainable at first. With the intuitive methods, however, the client was able to change his inner attitude and perception in order to gain the freedom to choose from really all options - even the seemingly impossible ones. ![]() Technical ProblemsA project manager of a video production had an interesting problem. The digital video editing had just got over the beginnings and seemed to work stable. The project was progressing well, but by the end of the edit and the upcoming release, the software began to have more and more technical problems. With the help of good technical expertise, many attempts and a few updates, the problems could be resolved slowly but gradually.Everything seemed perfect in the end, the editing was successful and the only thing missing was the creation of the master DVD for duplication. The completion date was already behind schedule, and the purchaser politely asked several times for a final date. But even in the final phase, the problems didn't seem to stop: when converting the video to the DVD format (rendering), the computer regularly crashed in the last few minutes. Although such massive program errors did not occur in comparable projects, all attempts to solve or circumvent the problem failed here. In the face of adversity, the project manager asked whether intuitive methods could also be used to analyze technical issues. So we first divided the problem into the technical components of end product, hardware, operating system, editing program, output driver, and so on. Strangely enough, according to the picture in the organizational constellation, all technical components seemed to be working absolutely flawlessly, only the video, i.e. the end product itself, seemed to be stuck in its strike posture, without, however, having any relation to any of the other components. Surprised by the situation, we added as additional components to the lineup all the people involved in the production, and so after a short time it became apparent that an unresolved situation between the performer and the purchaser was preventing the project from being completed. As expected, the report met with a lack of understanding and rejection from the purchaser. The project manager was thus faced with the unfavorable situation of having to bring a project to completion whose progress was not in his hands. An intuitive analysis suggested that the best solution was to wait for about four weeks and then try again to create the DVD master. Maybe something would change in the cause during that period. All other solutions seemed to be just a waste of time. To bridge the gap, it was explained to the team and the purchaser that they have to wait for the next software update; the editing computer remained untouched until then. After the tested four weeks of waiting, there was still no software update in sight. We tested again intuitively to see if anything had changed in the situation. The answer was that we could expect a positive result in about one week. Consequently, the project manager started the editing computer after the specified time. A minor operating system update was performing its task in the background as he pressed the button to create the master DVD with rather subdued expectations. Even at the start, the calculations seemed to run a bit smoother and ... everything went through. The other people involved were also pleasantly surprised by the result. The sale could begin. ![]() The Effect of the ImaginationFor more than 15 years I have been teaching the Asian martial art Aikido, in which the relationship between relaxation and tension in the right rhythm is extremely important. It gives me particular pleasure I manage to explain complex movement sequences to a wide variety of people with clearly understandable explanations that are precisely tailored to the situation.So after a long time I researched alternative technical explanations and relevant comparisons from everyday life. Although participants made good progress in their movement sequences, posture and timing, some quirks and problems seemed to persist hardly. Even with focused practice, there were only small, short-term improvements, not fundamental, lasting ones. So I continued to expand my search for explanatory models. In a particularly tough case, I intuitively applied a lesson from geomancy, the 4 elements theory, to the person. In principle, the technical details were all familiar to her, but overall there was a lack of vibrancy and presence in the movement. Therefore I offered her to metaphorically imagine the four elements earth, fire, water and air in a short, guided meditation at a suitable place around the body and to let the required movement take place in this inner attitude. The success was clearly visible. The person suddenly moved in a quality level that was far above his normal one, with a presence that was equal to high-ranking masters. Not only I was surprised, but also the participants of the course were amazed by the performance. At the following training session I decided to share the new insight with the entire group and immediately got a clear increase in quality of the movements of the whole group, timidity and composure were automatically averaged in a natural presence, correct intensity and precise composure. Finding the own center, an idea whose importance is equally emphasized in all Asian methods, was now no longer an accidental consequence of years of practice but an immediately reproducible process, especially for advanced practitioners. Since then, the knowledge gained here about the imagination of the elements successfully incorporated into every management seminar. The participants immediately get a more convincing appearance as well as deeper self-esteem and can use these techniques additionally before difficult conversations or presentations for personal success. For artists and performers, the above-mentioned method leads in particular to lively presence, optimized body tension, free expression and clear certitude in the performances. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Project leader, consultant, trainer with own system since 2003, including systemic knowledge, Kinesiology and Geomancy. Aikido teacher. Languages: English, German ![]() What can the intuitive methods do for you?
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Dipl. oec. Heiko Kieser • Peter-Dörfler-Str.1 • D-86672 Thierhaupten (Germany) • Phone +49 8271 802 456 • Fax +49 8271 802 457 • info![]() ![]() |
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