Intuitive Methods

Coachings & Consulting

In a customized one-on-one session, we jointly analyze the current situation and then identify suitable options for a solution. The techniques can be used for problem and situation analysis as well as personality development. Upon request, we will of course pass on the techniques for self-coaching to you in an easily comprehensible way.

Problem analysis

If the conventional methods for decision making are exhausted, the intuitive analysis methods will show you a new way of finding solutions. When you succeed with the techniques you will recognize very quickly the advantage of the speed and the cost benefit. While the collation of the rational information usually requires several man-days or even weeks, with the help of intuitive analysis you receive an optimal solution within one or two hours. (Practical Examples)

With increasing confidence and willingness to use the heuristic methods earlier and earlier in the decision-making process, you will recognize their equivalence also for economic purposes with clear cost advantages and better results.

As well with the decision-making as with the implementation of the solutions found we are happy to support you in the organizational sequence of actions with practical knowledge and intuitive techniques. The combination of my background in economics (graduate degree in business administration and economics) with years of experience in the use of intuitive methods in practical project work, enables you to evaluate unerringly, significant easier and more efficient your business strategies.

Personality development

The improvement of your personality is a lifelong learning process. Everyone has some disagreeable and persistent characteristics, but without knowing their roots, we cannot get rid of them. As a way out, we often choose avoidance strategies, but unfortunately this also limits the personal development possibilities.

Many of the weaknesses – be it nervousness before presentations oder events, limited leadership skills, inferior eloquence, bad concentration, missing equanimity in conflict situations, lack of motivation, low self-esteem etc. – are also hindering both the private area as well as the professional career. In this case the intuitive methods have a high potential, to uncover the real background of old behavior patterns. Furthermore they feature smooth and profound techniques for significant improvements or the complete transformation of the weaknesses. Often you will see the first effects within the same day. (Practical Examples)


Alle services are available in English and German.

Graduate Econo­mist (university) in business ad­min­is­tra­tion, empirical sociology and eco­nomic psycho­logy.

Project leader, consultant, trainer with own system since 2003, including systemic knowledge, Kinesiology and Geomancy. Aikido teacher.

Languages: English, German

Intuitive Methods help ...
  • to make quick and reliable long sighted decisions even when the surrounding, outstanding para­meters are unclear.
  • to expand our focus and to develop creative ideas for the solution.
  • to uncover risks, potential for conflict or sympathy in negotiations.
  • to relieve negative attributes and old behavior patterns also on short notice in the personality development and gain a self-possessed assurance of manner.
  • to relieve stress effectively and to convince by equanimity also in critical situations.

Flyer: Intuitive Methods

Dipl. oec. Heiko Kieser  •  Peter-Dörfler-Str.1  •  D-86672 Thierhaupten (Germany)  •  Phone +49 8271 802 456  •  Fax +49 8271 802 457  •  infoHeikoKieserde