Intuitive Methods

About Us

As the founder of the company and the methods rationally inexplicable phenomena and spiritual insights have always fascinated me. But since I am a rationally thinking person, I left these things in the realm of fantasy for a long time and instead immersed myself in the study of economics oriented towards psychology and sociology.

Initially purely personal interest brought me to the study of kinesiology, organizational constellation and geomancy. I realized very quickly that the seemingly separate disciplines have fundamental commonalities, which can even be found in the spiritual content of traditional martial arts. As a teacher of the martial art "Aikido" I benefited from the fact that I could immediately test the spiritual insights technically; just the changed inner attitude of the mind unexpectedly showed immediately visible effects on the physical level. With these methods it was now possible for me to prepare complex movements much more easily for the course participants, since technical blockages could be traced back to inner thought patterns and could be solved immediately. Even previously persistent cases made surprisingly fast progress with the changed teaching technique.

The success of the methods also triggered a change in my professional activities as a project manager and organizational consultant. By integrating the intuitive methods, personal and operational obstacles that endangered the successful course of the project could henceforth be solved much more efficiently and sustainably. In addition, the intuitive methods provided unexpected creative impulses in the implementation of new ideas, which were also reflected in negotiations in finding better win-win solutions.
Since it has always been an inner matter for me to accompany persons and organization in the development and increase of personal possibility, I decided to offer the insights beyond my hitherto existing coaching activities in seminars for executives and managers. - The idea for the School for the Development of Intuitive Abilities was born.

In the meantime I teach the intuitive methods at international seminars to managers from Europe, Asia, Africa as well as North and South America.

Graduate Econo­mist (university) in business ad­min­is­tra­tion, empirical sociology and eco­nomic psycho­logy.

Project leader, consultant, trainer with own system since 2003, including systemic knowledge, Kinesiology and Geomancy. Aikido teacher.

Languages: English, German

Heiko Kieser
Peter-Dörfler-Str. 1
D-86672 Thierhaupten (Germany)

Phone: +49 8271 802456
Fax: +49 8271 802457

Flyer: Intuitive Methods

Dipl. oec. Heiko Kieser  •  Peter-Dörfler-Str.1  •  D-86672 Thierhaupten (Germany)  •  Tel.: +49 8271 802 456  •  Fax +49 8271 802 457  •  infoHeikoKieserde